Art / Toi
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are painting a BIG picture. Get ready for a surprise!
5 minutes a day is all it takes for your child to start speaking a Te Reo.
Beautiful illustrations, lovable characters, and simple, exciting stories will keep your child engaged. They'll have so much fun reading; they won’t realise they’re learning!
Use the unique QR code inside each book to listen to the FREE audio narration. Combining text with audio improves your child's reading, listening, and speaking skills simultaneously.
Swap your bedtime story for a captivating bilingual book. Your child will learn Te Reo Māori and improve their native language skills by exploring topics like colours, numbers, shapes, body parts, and animals.
Our books are accurately translated by native Te Reo speakers so your child is always exposed to correct pronunciation and intonation.
Fun activities at the end of every book help your child practise their new Te Reo vocabulary. It’s also a great way to track progress and celebrate your child's success.
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are painting a BIG picture. Get ready for a surprise!
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are finding wonderful things to count.
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are dancing with their friends. Join in the fun!
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are in New Zealand. Who can help them find the Kākāpō Disco?
Poppy Panda is at Buddy Bear’s birthday party, but where are all the guests?
Get 5 books for the price of 4 with our multipack offer!
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are making music with their friends!
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are in a bike race through the city. Which team will win?
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are having lots of fun learning opposites.
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are very busy in the forest. What are they building?
Poppy Panda and Buddy Bear are hunting for treasure! What will they find?
Get 5 books for the price of 4 with our multipack offer!